Cosa serve - What You Need
Pasta di mais
Tempere o colori acrilici
Pellicola di plastica
Corn Dough
Tempera or acrylic paints
Plastic film
Questo tutorial è adattabile anche ad altri materiali come fimo, pasta di mais, cioccolato plastico, das e altre paste modellabili.
This tutorial is also adaptable to other materials such as polymer clay, salt dough, plastic chocolate, das and others. The process is similar for all pastes, you can use this for make roses with different materials.
Tempera or acrylic paints
Plastic film
Questo tutorial è adattabile anche ad altri materiali come fimo, pasta di mais, cioccolato plastico, das e altre paste modellabili.
This tutorial is also adaptable to other materials such as polymer clay, salt dough, plastic chocolate, das and others. The process is similar for all pastes, you can use this for make roses with different materials.