L’orologeria d’epoca è stata realizzata assemblando una struttura in legno truciolato.
Le pareti, il pavimento e il soffitto sono state rivestite con carta da parati e rifinite con nastrini di passamaneria. La struttura misura 50x24 cm ed è profonda 30 cm.
La grande scaffalatura frontale è stata realizzata con montanti di legno successivamente laccati di bianco. I ripiani sono stati realizzati tagliando con un cutter sottili strisce di plexiglass da un foglio semi-trasparente acquistato in un colorificio. Anche il grande tavolo degli argenti è stato assemblato utilizzando un rettangolo di plexiglass collocato su delle piccole gambe di legno. La scrivania da lavoro è invece stata realizzata con piccoli pezzi di legno e assemblata e colorata. Le poltrone, il tavolino e il pendolo sono state acquistate già pronte così come il piccolo orologiaio a cui in seguito sono stati aggiunti fili di lana arruffata per creare l’effetto dei capelli (prima aveva la testa tipo Ken di Barbie).
Vicino alla scrivania il portaombrelli con i bastoni è stato creato riciclando un vecchio tappo di un rossetto, mentre il grande orologio a pendolo di legno è stato comprato. Sulla tavola si su possono vedere piccoli attrezzi da lavoro e un quadrante in manutenzione, si tratta di un vero orologio da polso non più funzionate.
Per quanto riguarda gli orologi sono stati utilizzati materiali ed elementi molto vari come piccoli pezzi di bigiotteria, bottoni, piccoli giocattoli, spille, ciondoli, anelli, parti di metallo e plastica, alcuni sono stati creati con la pasta di mais, altri invece sono stati acquistati. I quadranti degli orologi sono stati fatti a mano, stampati o ritagliati da riviste e giornali.
The old clock shop was made by assembling a wooden chipboard.
Walls, floor and ceiling were covered with wallpaper and decorated on the edges with ribbons and trimmings. The structure measuring 50x24 cm and is 30 cm in thickness.
Walls, floor and ceiling were covered with wallpaper and decorated on the edges with ribbons and trimmings. The structure measuring 50x24 cm and is 30 cm in thickness.
The front shelving has been made with wood studs and then painted in white color. Shelves were made by cutting thin strips from a sheet of Plexiglas purchased at a DYI store. Even the large front table was created using a rectangle of Plexiglas placed on a small wooden legs.
The white work desk is also created with small pieces of wood. Chairs, table and pendulum were instead purchased as well as the small watchmaker. To him were later added strands of wool to create the effect of the hairs (before his head was like Ken of Barbie).
The umbrella stand with walking sticks near the desk was created by recycling the cap of an old lipstick, while the large wall pendulum clock in wood was purchased. On the desk there are small work tools and a dial in maintenance, it is a real watch no longer working.
The white work desk is also created with small pieces of wood. Chairs, table and pendulum were instead purchased as well as the small watchmaker. To him were later added strands of wool to create the effect of the hairs (before his head was like Ken of Barbie).
The umbrella stand with walking sticks near the desk was created by recycling the cap of an old lipstick, while the large wall pendulum clock in wood was purchased. On the desk there are small work tools and a dial in maintenance, it is a real watch no longer working.
For the clocks have been used very different materials and elements like small pieces of costume jewelery, buttons, small toys, pins, pendants, rings, pieces of metal and plastic, some were created with corn dough, while others were purchased.
Some dials are hand-made, others are printed or cut from magazines and newspapers.
Some dials are hand-made, others are printed or cut from magazines and newspapers.
Per la descrizione di ogni piccolo orologio c’è questo post.
Description of each clocks is in this post.
I love your clocks and the shop is really full of great mini homemade things that you made! a wonderful job!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog! Antique clocks really are beautiful!